
Recherche Patrimoniale

Since 13 December 2023, the holdings of over 500 academic libraries from swisscovery and the Swiss National Library have been searchable in the new “Recherche Patrimoniale” research portal.

Project Description

Recherche Patrimoniale” is a search portal that summarises the holdings of the Swiss National Library and the more than 500 academic libraries participating in swisscovery. Users are then redirected to the original systems swisscovery and Helveticat to access services.

The Swiss Library Service Platform SLSP AG and the Swiss National Library have been working together since May 2023 to identify and utilise synergies. Recherche Patrimoniale is the first result of this in-depth collaboration. Under the project management of SLSP, work was carried out in 2023 on the realisation of a joint search interface for the holdings.


Swiss National Library


May 2023 – December 2023