Optional services comprise an offer that goes beyond the basic services and is used individually by individual customers. These can be booked by service recipients for a fee.
The service portfolio of optional services is listed below. If you are interested in a service, you can open a ticket in SLSP Support with the request for the corresponding service.
SLSP plans and carries out data migrations and integration projects for new libraries. This includes various aspects such as configurations in swisscovery, data migration and introduction to swisscovery using SLSP training material. Librarieswishing to join must adapt their data to the SLSP data quality standards in advance. SLSP estimates the cost of the project, submits a cost quotation and carries out the agreed tasks.
SLSP carries out one-off and recurring data and stock mutations and automation of data processing within swisscovery on behalf of one or more service recipients. SLSP estimates the cost of the project, submits a cost quotation and carries out the agreed tasks.
SLSP Courier is a courier service for physical media. SLSP Courier enables the delivery of ordered media from a lending library to another library participating in the SLSP Courier, which acts as a pick-up point. For this purpose, SLSP ensures the technical infrastructure and processing in swisscovery. Users can order physical media directly from swisscovery to a library participating in the SLSP Courier of their choice and collect them there promptly. The costs for this service are charged to the library on a quarterly basis according to the cost tables valid at the time of use of the SLSP Courier.
If required, special reports (analyses, evaluations, work lists) can be requested by service recipients for a fee as anoptional service, which is charged on a time and material basis.
A local view of swisscovery can be created according to the guidelines of the master template, but can also be further customised. This enables service recipients to implement and customise the standard local view with additional requirements other than just their corporate identity and design in swisscovery.
As part of an optional service, it is possible to integrate external data sources (metadata incl. access link) into swisscoverythat are not recorded in Alma. The integration of these external data sources can either be carried out by SLSP on behalf of the library (subject to a charge) or set up independently by the self-coordinated IZs. In addition to these possible implementation costs, annual licence costs for the additionally integrated data records are incurred by the customer library.
SLSP supports service recipients on request in the use of the swisscovery API interface at IZ level and in configuration for the integration of peripheral systems. The scope of the support, the work involved and the costs are specified in a quotation.
SLSP provides specific interfaces, scripts and workflows to connect the Cooperative Storage Library Switzerland to swisscovery. This is necessary to guarantee access to the services offered by the Cooperative Storage Library Switzerland in swisscovery. This service includes maintenance, servicing and support for this interface.
Support for the use of a standard premium sandbox and the associated additional support costs are charged as an optional service at the hourly rates valid at the time of the support request.
The Master Service Agreement between SLSP and the system supplier grants the additional individual use of premium sandboxes. A library can subscribe to a premium sandbox individually. The system supplier loads the data and configurations of the relevant institution zone in which the library is located into this sandbox. SLSP mediates this subscription between the library/institution zone and the system supplier. The current subscription price applicable at the time applies. The library in question is supported directly by the system supplier. SLSP charges an annual fee for handling the contract.
SLSKey enables activated users to access electronic resources licensed for a specific library via SWITCH edu-ID authentication. The service includes the setup and configuration of SLSKey for the library as well as support for the technical integration of additional suppliers.
This service includes the creation of additional IZ- or library-specific user groups and the allocation of selected special conditions and privileges in the areas of loans, courier and copy orders at library and/or IZ level.
This service provides storage space for digital objects in the ExLibris cloud.
Creation of a local interface in swisscovery, the purpose of which is to display bibliographic data (without lending or consultation activities) stored in Alma or imported as external content.
Provision of an additional, IZ-specific view in swisscovery, which is further customised separately in addition to the general standard configuration (corporate design of the library). The view can be configured by the respective IZ or by SLSP for an IZ.
The browser-based solution enables library users to borrow local documents in self-service mode. They use their library card number as a login and can therefore borrow documents independently. The web solution is an interface that communicates with swisscovery in the background. The web service is only available in English.
SLSP offers institution zones the option of using their own closed area (space) within the SLSP collaboration platform SLSPhere for the storage of documents and for internal communication between libraries of an IZ and their staff.
At the request of individual libraries or groups of libraries, data (metadata, licence agreement data) from acquired licences can be stored, managed and activated by SLSP for libraries in swisscovery (Alma ERM).
Further individual one-off services can be provided at the request and on behalf of a service recipient for a fee.
Further information on the basic services or the range of services offered by SLSP can be found here.
Do you have general questions about the optional services or would you like to join swisscovery? We look forward to hearing from you using the contact form.